Showing 3 Result(s)

Are there positive impacts for trolling on social media platforms?

The term trolling refers to a wide range of digital activity usually associated with behavior that would be deemed socially unacceptable if conducted in an offline, physical setting between individuals. Activity such as bullying, harassment,  stalking and the abuse of others are conducted, quite often anonymously and generally without consequence to the perpetrators. There can …

Culture Jamming & Digital Activism

We see a lot of visible signs of activism on modern social media platforms, from hashtag based movements like #blacklivesmatter, to online platforms to co-ordinate activism such as Getup and Before the time of social media, the internet was still home to a wide variety of digital activism, with some of the earliest internet …

Politics and Civil Discourse on Social Media

Social media has become a key medium for the discussion of political ideas and civil discourse over the past 15 years.  Blogs, chat rooms and online forums have always been places of robust discussion and fierce opinion since the start of the internet. The launch of social media platforms such as Twitter, which launched in …